Honourable Members of the European Parliament,
A letter to the Prime Minister of Turkey Mr. Recep Tagip Erdogan, sent by THE EUROPEAN LEAGUE OF GENEVA. This letter was sent after the unacceptable comments of Erdogan to Mrs Merkel’s declarations in Nicosia, during her visit to the Republic of Cyprus.
POB 36 CH-1211 GENEVA 20
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H.E. The Prime Minister
Mr. Recep Tagip Erdogan
The Turkish Parliament
S.E.Europe Section ANKARA
Geneva , 12 january 2011,
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
We understand from the relevant Press Releases that, in your comments to Mrs Merkel’s declarations in Nicosia, during her visit to the Republic of Cyprus which, as you know, is a member of the European Union, you referred, among other things of minor importance, firstly, to “the past history of the Cyprus issue” and secondly to the “Bürgenstock Conference” in relation to the British (Lord Haney’s) Plan for the settlement of the Cyprus affair submitted under the signature of the UNO General Secretary Mr. Coffi Annan and publicly allegedly called “The Annan Plan”. You are quoted as if addressing yourself to Mrs Merkel and saying: “If you interview the former leader of the opposition, Mr Schröder, you will see who are the culprits” and you further added “The EU accepted the Cypriots (meaning the Greek Cypriots) who said No to the Annan Plan and punished the Turkish Cypriots who had accepted it”.
Our Committee in Geneva in an ad hoc session decided to address to all parties concerned (who receive copy of the present letter) the following remarks which we kindly beg you to take in consideration.
With regard to the first issue. The “past history” of Cyprus for all concerned is mainly a question of invasion, an invasion, in fact, declared illegal by the UNO which in a number of official Resolutions repeatedly condemned the invasion and asked the Turkish government to withdraw its military forces from Cyprus which is a part of the EU soil. You know, Mr Prime Minister that Turkey has ignored all these official resolutions of the UNO. Turkey has also ignored, and continues to do so, its signature on the acceptance of the “acquis communautaire” and refuses to recognize the rights of a State which is an official member of the EU to which Turkey demands admission. In actual fact, the “past history” is a history of illegal invasion, deportation of about 250,000 legal inhabitants from the occupied territory, confiscation of their properties, destruction of the cultural remnants (e.g. Churches, historical Icons etc), sale of the stolen properties to British tourists, murder of prisoners, forcible ethnic cleancing by the importation of illegal settlers from Anatolia and other actions, universally considered as illegal not only by the International but also by the common Penal Law.
We remind you, Mister Prime Minister, that such actions were judged and condemned by the Nuremberg Court immediately after the end of WWII and as a result of this condemnation which is now part of international jurisdiction the leaders of Germany during the war were executed by hanging. As a reminder we recapitulated in what follows the relevant articles of the Court decision:
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Nuremberg Court Decision Article 6
(a) Crimes against peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of war of aggression.....
(b) War Crimes: namely violation of the laws of the customs of war including but not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages or devastation not justified by military necessity.
(c) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime whether or not in violation of domestic law of the country where perpetrated.
Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a Common Plan or Conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan.
Article 7: The official position of defendants, whether as Heads of State or responsible officials in Government departments, shall not be considered as freeing them from responsibility or mitigating punishment.
Article 8. The fact that the defendant acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior shall not free him from responsibility...
In clear language, you see who are “the culprits” of the Cyprus issue - as described in the above resolution.
With regard to the second issue. Our Committee has observed, in repeated occasions, that in referring to the so-called “Annan Plan” you “accuse” the overwhelming majority of the Greek/Cypriot voters (representing the 82% of the Island population) who rejected the Plan and praise the Turkish/Cypriots (representing the remainder 18%) who, in accepting it, have obeyed to the decision of the UNO signed by its General Secretary. In this regard we have two observations to make.
Firstly, dear Mr Prime Minister, if the majority of the T/C accepted and the majority of the G/C rejected it, in accordance with our European standards of logic, this can only mean one thing: that the Plan was in favour of the Turkish minority and a real menace of destruction on the Greek majority! In other words, the Annan Plan was unilateral and therefore immoral and, in any case, against the fundamental principles of International Law as it has been established and proven by at least 250 legal experts of international standing.
Secondly, dear Mr Prime Minister, we beg you to answer the following question, not only to us but to all recipients of copy of the present letter, namely: If the Annan Plan is, in your opinion, a righteous and civilised solution for a difference concerning peoples’ (or national) rights of a total population divided ethnically by a 20 to 80% analogy, WHY you do not apply it in order to solve the issue of the Kurdish question which has so far caused so many deaths, both on the Turkish and on the Kurdish side? In fact, the analogy of Turkish/Kurdish population is almost identical to that between G/C and T/C if not even more in favour of the Kurds (25 million in a total population of 70 million). Here is an issue where the Annan Plan may give a righteous solution to a war of so many victims throughout a period of 25 years.
We shall finish with the following remarks. In your reply to Mrs Merkel’s declarations and in many other occasions you repeatedly state that “your patience has limits and that the
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Europeans must say clearly if they want you as members of the EU or not”. In this respect, dear Mr Prime Minister, please take in consideration the following facts and understand them as coming from real friends..
Firstly, in reference to a declaration of former President Chirac you bluntly retorted “if you mean assimilation, this you will not have it from us”. Well, you must know very well, dear Mr Prime Minister, that a prerequisite of fruitful cooperation is the homogeneity of the members of a human society. A human society is an “organism” and every organism is so constituted by nature as to reject any foreign body. If you deny “assimilation” or “integration”, you condemn your own people (rpt “your own people”) to the absolute impossibility of living and cooperating as equal members within the European society. This is a biological and not a political or religious issue as the example of transplantation of organs may show.
Secondly, the book of your Foreign Minister, Mr Davutoglu, is circulating at a time that may inflict serious injury to the ambitions of Turkey as a member of the EU. The notion, sustained by him, of Lebensraum extending from the Adriatic, through the Balkans, the Aegean sea (i.e. territories of member states of the EU), the Eastern Mediterranean and so on…is only reminiscent to the European people (who so much suffered during the last war) of what disaster the nationalistic (alias nazi) aspirations about Lebensraum may inflict on the European society and its age-long culture. This outrageous ambition promoted at the present time, coupled with the casus belli issue against Greece and Cyprus (both EU members), your reluctance to respect your signature on the “acquis communauteur”, the social behavior of the Turkish nationals in Germany (who, even in third generation cannot speak German) transfer the issue of the Turkish admission in the EU from the good will of certain government leaders (cf your reference to Mr. Schroeder’s personal interests…) to the real decision of the core of the European countries’ populations. I am sure you cannot ignore the seriousness of this “social” and not political or religious issue.
Thirdly, the behavior of your representative in Brussels, Mr Egemen Bagis, must be checked by experts in psychology and help him to avoid expressions as the ones we may quote from his letter published in the International Herald Tribune (29.8.2005) running as follows: “in Ankara we struggle to find the correct terminology to depict the recent chatter of “petit” European politicians” followed by the preposterous (if not ludicrous) assertion “Europe is too important to be left to the Europeans”(sic!!!). Of same nature is his recent lapsus linguae that “the shutoff of the Turkish negotiations with the EU will be the incubus of Greek Cypriots” or his ominous “threat” of “1,5 billion closely eyeing Muslims”!! The cumulative effect of Mr Davutoglu’s imperial ambitions and of Mr Bagis’ vain attempts of intimidation addressed to the EU and its member states is likely to have a most unfavorable “psychological” impact on the realization of your plans. As you may understand, the “shutoff” attitude on Turkey’s accession is neither political nor religious, but fundamentally biological, social and psychological.
In conclusion, we beg you dear Mr Prime Minister, to take this letter as coming NOT from opponents of Turkey but from real FRIENDS.-
For the European League of Geneva
The President
Dr Nicolas Kaloy
cc. Brussels Commission Officials Messrs van Rompuy and Barroso
The European parliament deputies
The Greek Parliament Deputies and Prime Minister
The Cyprus and Greek Ministries of Foreign Affairs
Some European Press Editions
The Hon. Kanzlerin Mrs Merkel
The European League is a non-profit making private organization with the purpose of promoting the ideals of the EU.
It is led by an international Committee of men of science and of letters and is stationed in Geneva, CH.
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